Fish oil supplements [omega-3 PUFA] may benefit patients with cardiac disease following a myocardial infarction [heart attack] and patients with heart failure to reduce mortality and hospitalizations.
David S. Siscovick, Thomas A. Barringer, Amanda M. Fretts, Jason H.Y. Wu, Alice H. Lichtenstein, Rebecca B. Costello, Penny M. Kris-Etherton, Terry A. Jacobson, Mary B. Engler, Heather M. Alger, Lawrence J. Appel, Dariush Mozaffarian, On behalf of the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee of the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health; Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing; and Council on Clinical Cardiology. American Heart Association Science Advisory. Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Prevention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2017