A healthy diet helps wound healing following dental surgery.
The importance of nutritional intake for wound healing is well established. For example, the elderly are particularly prone to nutritional deficiencies due to various factors such as poor dentition, relying on dentures, difficulty chewing food, and being on various medications, and are therefore more likely to suffer chronic diseases. This makes the elderly more prone to poor wound healing with dental treatment. A nutritious diet can help with wound healing.
Anderson B. Nutrition and wound healing: the necessity of assessment. Br J Nurs 2005 Oct 27-Nov9;14(19):S30, S32, S34 passim.
Casey G. Nurs Stand. Nutritional support in wound healing. 2003 Feb 19-25;17(23):55 – 8.
Munoz CA, Kiger RD, Stephens JA, et. al. Effects of a nutritional supplement on periodontal status. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2001;22(5):425 – 8.